Ab Training

by Julia

How long will it take before I see results like,um... seeing my abs starting to show, or my abs getting harder/muscular?

Aaron's Reply...

An excellent question! Unfortunately, I have an true & infuriating answer: it depends.

If you have a high body-fat percentage it'll take longer than if you have a low one. It also depends on how much ab work you do, what cardio/weight training you're doin', and whether or not you're getting sore every time you workout.

However, if you're doing cardio to drop fat along with ab work you should be seeing some results in 3 weeks. But you need to be getting sore at every workout, and keeping up your workout routine.

Also, weight training is great to add to the mix to get the rest of your body fatigued. You rarely see a chunky person with just ripped abs- you need to work you abs along with the rest of your body.

I've found that when I do lots of ab work I develop trigger points (painful muscle knots) relatively easily. If you have any muscle pain that doesn't go away after 24-48 hours (ex: a muscle that stays sore far longer than it should), massage the muscle(s) that are in pain, and those around them.

That'll work out the muscle knots and allow you to go back to working out hard the next day. Good luck!

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