4 Easy Exercise Routines that Won’t Take Up Your Time

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

Who has time for exercise? You are busy at work and you need to spend some time with the family during weekends. You even want to rest early at night.

But you need to find time for exercise unless you want to become obese. Thankfully, there are easy exercise forms you could do quickly. They are so quick you won’t even notice them breaking your schedule at all.

1. Running to work.

If you’re running late for work, you could actually use the little time you have to get some exercise while making it to the office on time. Instead of walking slowly like you used to, make this a time for a sprint. Make sure that you breathe properly so that you won’t pass out halfway through. And don’t forget your mandatory warm up exercise!

2. Walking up the stairs.

Walking up will cause more tension in your muscles, making them flex and contract better. With this routine you are increasing the strength of your muscles without any need for equipment. Furthermore, your heart health will also be improved if you carry this on regularly.

3. Storing boxes in upper cupboards.

Lifting your arms over your head to store heavy boxes of stuff will flex your muscles. Isn’t that the way of exercise equipment? Just pretend that you are at the gym and you are using sophisticated machines. It’s like a daily workout for your biceps sans the cost of gym subscription.

4. Using heavy groceries as weights.

Pretend that the groceries are lifting bells on either arm. Lift them up as high as you can, put them down, then repeat the process. You could start by doing this in stationary position and then start walking to stretch both arms and legs. This will also develop your coordination and tone your muscles.

Alesha Wilson is a staff writer at RockwellNutrition.com.

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Oct 05, 2015
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