Changing Workout Routines

by Doug Lavell

How often should I change exercise routines with my beginner personal training clients?

Aaron's Answer…

In the beginning, I really won't change up the routines at all. There are several good reasons for this, but basically changing the routine doesn't do any good.

First, if they're really beginners then they are just learning the exercise movements. And to get these really down (not just OK), stick with the same exercises for a while. This will also give your beginning clients a chance to really feel which muscles are working in which exercises, and begin to build some inner body awareness.

Second, changing up the workouts won't give you better results. With good nutrition and rest, and realistic expectations, you can use the same routine to get results for several months, if it's well designed. And longer than that many times

I personally think the tendency is to change up routines too often. This creates some confusion, and perhaps a false idea that you're getting stronger - when all you're really doing is chaining your exercises and getting stronger at disparate movements.

The only reason I can think of for switching up the workouts in the beginning is if your client gets bored. But if they are consistently making progress, I don't think they'll be put out by continuing a routine that gives them results.

You should emphasize that they should stick with the same exercise that are still giving them gains. When you go for 2 or 3 weeks with no improvements, then you should start making changes.

Also, make sure you've got a good routine to start with, along with some basic nutrition and recovery information. Even simple directions (ex: Eat less crap, more vegetables and good meat, and get your sleep) can dramatically increase your client's results. Which will make them like the workout, as well as you.

But with a good basic workout routine, you'll need to do very little tinkering. Exercises like the bench press, squat, overhead press, and weighted chin-up are still used effectively by advanced practitioners. Work the basics well, and you won't need to do many changes.

I hope this helps!

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Apr 04, 2016
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Oct 26, 2015
Workout Routines NEW
by: Misty Mouhis

Fact is just about all workout routine that isn’t absolutely horrible will effort to some level as extended as you supply the someone write my research paper time and reliability required for it to work.

Aug 19, 2015
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May 17, 2013
Change is good
by: tommy

I believe after you understand the why and how muscles grow,a change in routine is good can't.6/8 weeks your brain puts a wall up on growing.flipping high volume to low ect as well as hitting different parts that you are wanting to grow is very important as well as good night sleep, nutrition , and taking time off to repair. After ones done a 6/8 week routine

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